Cast and Crew Credits for Dr. Moreau!

Hello All,
I can’t seem to get the Moreau credits on line from its page so here are the credits for our wildly successful 7 minutes of radio theater insanity, presented live on OPB’s LiveWire and soon to be a minor TV masterpiece (details to follow). Complete bios on everyone here can be found on our “Who We Are” page.

The Island of Dr. Moreau by H.G. Wells
Adapted for radio by Cynthia J. McGean

“The Final Chapter: The Manimals Revolt and Prendrick’s Escape”

Dr. Moreau: Greg Alexander
Prendrick: Tim McKennie
Sayer of the Law: Sam A. Mowry
Leopard Man: David Ian
Manimal: Atticus Welles Mowry

Sound Design: Marc Rose, Martin John Gallagher, David Ian, Robert Kowal, Atticus Mowry, Sam Mowry.
Foley: David Ian & Atticus Welles Mowry.
Abelton & Sound Op: Marc Rose
Percussion: Martin John Gallagher
Live Sound Engineer: Robert Kowal

WRW Theme Music: Martin John Gallagher & Marc Rose

Produced and Directed by: Sam A. Mowry